198 photos   11253 visits

0 Posersss - Fuck OFF

WoW.=O Deget.net => Full of fakess.:| OMGsh ! A lots of Miley,Selena,Demi ,etc..:| WTF? You haven't an ocupation in home ?:| Then,take one but stop posing . It's really crappy. I mean ...Hello ! I know...You 'd love to be like that person but...did you think how she/he is feeling ? I don't think so .:| It's freaking stupid to pretend to be someone else.:| You'd like to lose your childhood? :| When you will be bigger you will laugh with your friends about it nd you will want to give the time back to live again ur childhood ! What you guys win? Gold ? I don't think so..:| You shouldn't do it. Believe me ..:| How you will feel if someone ( if you will be a star) will pose as you? Fine ? No , no baby...:| Soo ..:) Posers:

FUCK OFF ! The life is too short to pose someone else .:| Life your own life !

- For all the posers from Deget.net xD -

Pucca *.<3
Imao !
Imao !
Sick of fakesss.:|
Sick of fakesss.:|
You will be a star .:)If you won't pose ;)
You will be a star .:)If you won't pose ;)
Peace =D But ...For those people who doesn't pose someone else.:|
Peace =D But ...For those people who doesn't pose someone else.:|
ILY if you won't pose .:P -Pucca
ILY if you won't pose .:P -Pucca
Haa?:\ Stupid Poserssss..:|
Haa?:\ Stupid Poserssss..:|
= \' P e r f e c t u.xD
= \' P e r f e c t u.xD
= Full of fakes =
= Full of fakes =

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