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x Heeey Youuu

Heey Yoouuu [: Uhm this is .. my name doesn't matter xP I am just a fucking girl living out her dream [: My nickname is Pucca. :D I'am 16 . Jealous? Well, you haven't why, don't worry [;. I'am from Los Angeles . xD I've hear about this site from a friend [: She was here ,too. xD Well, Babe I am here to make new friendss . <3 I am a laugher . xD I laugh everyday xP Problems? Then , Shut the fuck up :D I'am not a sweet girl anymore [; I can be bad , xD. Just make me nervous and ya will see. [:

With Love ' <3 , Pucca. xD
? Heii :] ?
? Heii :] ?
Rock on .[: Music never stops .<3
Rock on .[: Music never stops .<3
So Bored . - So True.:D
So Bored . - So True.:D

Comments • 11

xAshTisdaleOnline 23 January 2011  
DemLovatoxD 22 January 2011  
Hey :D <3
JurikoLovesHIM 22 January 2011  
Hey u !
http://xdisneyxtvxd.sunphoto.ro/ 21 January 2011  
Give me some coms!:X
PuccaOffishialxD 21 January 2011  
Ha?: WTF , is with that site?:)
DeduxaaLov3 21 January 2011  
Hellow Pukky` ;) What'z up ?
PuccaOffishialxD 21 January 2011  
Hey Yoou :] Just chillin ' wbu?
DeduxaaLov3 21 January 2011  
Chattin` =]
xCherryShakexD 21 January 2011  
Ayee` , x
Anne-Marie 21 January 2011  
Hello Girl! :]
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